Prof. Dr. Ertan YETKİN | Kolan Hospital

Prof. Dr. Ertan YETKİN

İstanbul Sağlık ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Şişli Kolan International Hospital Soru Sor

Prof. Dr. Ertan YETKİN

İstanbul Sağlık ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Şişli Kolan International Hospital

Soru Sor
  • 1994-Hacettepe Üniversitesi,Tıp Fakültesi
  • 1999-Ankara Türkiye Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi
İlgi Alanları
  • Kalp Yetmezliği
  • Kalp Ritim Hastalıkları (EPS-ABLASYON)
  • Kalp Pili
  • Kapak Hastalıkları
  • Mitral Darlığı
  • Pacemaker
  • Periferik Arter Hastalıkları
  • Şah Damar Hastalığı
  • İskemik Kalp Hastalıkları
  • Damar Tıkanıklığı
  • Kalp Anjiosu (Koroner Anjiyografi)
  • Hiperlipidemi
  • Hipertansiyon
  • Varis Tedavisi
  • Ekokardiyografi (Kalp Ultrasonu, Kalp Ekosu)
  • Elektrofizyoloji Uygulamaları
  • Atrial Fibrilasyon
  • Bilekten Anjio
  • CTO (Kronik Total Oklüzyon)
  • Ablasyon İşlemleri
  • Aritmiler
  • Koroner Arter Hastalıkları
  • Kalp Romatizması
Çalıştığı Kurumlar
  • 1994-2001 Türkiye Yüksek İhtisasHastanesi
  • 2001-2006 İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
  • 2006-2007 Cardiovascular Research Institude of Maastrciht
  • 2007-2010 Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
  • 2010-2015 Özel Mersin Ortadoğu Hastanesi
  • 2015-2018 Özel Mersin Yenişehir Hastanesi
  • 2015-2018 Özel Mersin İMC Hastanesi
  • 2018-2020 İstinye Üniversitesi LİV hastanesi Bahçeşehir
  • 2023-Devam Özel Şişli Kolan International Hospital


  • Yetkin, E., Yanık, A., Kutlu, M., Ileri, M., Cehreli, S. Changes in QT dispersion magnitude during respiratory phases: Role of maximum inspiration and expiration. Angiology 1999;50 (11):915-918
  • Ileri, M., Tandoğan, I., Kosar, F., Yetkin, E., Büyükaşık, Y., Kütük E. Influence of thrombolytic therapy on the incidence of left ventricular thrombi after acute anterior myocardial infarction: Role of successful reperfusion. Clinical Cardiology 1999
  • Büyükaşık, Y., Ileri, M., Ozcebe, O., Haznedaroğlu, I., Yetkin, E., Kirazlı, S., Dündar S. “Increased systemic coagulation activity in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis. Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis 1999;10: 417-421
  • Yetkin, E., Ileri, M., Tandoğan, I., Boran, M., Yanık, A., Hisar, I., Çehreli, S., Korkmaz S. Increased QT interval dispersion after hemodialysis: Role of peridialytic electrolyte gradients. Angiology 2000; 51(6): 499-504
  • Yetkin, E., Erbay, AR., Ayaz, S., Ileri, M., Yetkin, G., Çehreli, S., Göksel S. “Predictors of left ventricular thrombus formation in patient with anterior myocardial infarction: Role of activated protein C resistance”. Coronary Artery Disease 2001;1
  • Yanik, A., Yetkin, E., Şenen, K., Yetkin, G., Göksel, S. Vegetation due to Streptococcus viridans in a child with patent ductus arteriosus. International Journal of Cardiology 2000;72:189-191
  • Yanik, A., Yetkin, E., Şenen, K., Atak, R., Kural, T., Göksel S. Value of dobutamine stress echocardiography for detection of coronary artery disease in patients with left bundle branch blockage. Coronary Artery Disease 2000;11(7):545-548
  • Hisar, I., Ileri, M., Yetkin, E., Atak, R., Senen, K., Koşar, F., Dündar, S., Demirkan D. Role of activated protein C resistance in left atrial thrombogenesis in patients with mitral stenosis. Angiology 2000;51(10):855-861
  • Tandoğan, I., Yetkin, E., Ileri, M., Ozdemir, R., Cehreli, S., Duru E. Diagnosis of Coronary artery disease with Tl-201 SPECT in patients with left bundle branch block: Importance of alternative interpretation approaches for left anterior descending c
  • Senaran, H., Ileri, M., Altinbas, A., Kosar, A., Yetkin, E., Ozturk, M., Karaaslan, Y., Kirazli S. Thrombopoietin and mean platelet volume in coronary artery disease. Clin Cardiol.2001; 24(5):405-8
  • Yetkin, E., Senen, K., Atak, R., Ileri, M., Topaloğlu, S., Ergün, K., Tandoğan, I., Cehreli S. Diurinal variation of QT dispersion in patients with coronary artery disease and in normal subjects. Angiology.2001 May;52(5):311-6
  • Ileri, M., Yetkin, E., Tandoğan, I., Hisar, I., Atak, R., Senen, K., Cehreli S. Demirkan, D. Effect of habitual smoking on QT interval duration and dispersion. American Journal of Cardiology 2001; 88(3):322-5
  • Tandogan, I., Yetkin, E., Yanik, A., Ulusoy, FV., Temizhan, A., Cehreli, S., Sasmaz A. Comparison of thallium-201 exercise SPECT and dobutamine stress echocardiography for diagnosis of coronary artery disease in patients with left bundle branch block
  • Ileri, M., Hisar, I., Yetkin, E., Koşar, F., Korkmaz, S., Demirkan D. Increased levels of plasma thrombomodulin in patients with acute myocardial infarction who had thrombolytic therapy and achieved successful reperfusion. Clinical Cardiology 2001.
  • Yetkin, E., Cehreli, S., Ileri, M., Senen, K., Atak, R., Yanık, A., Yetkin, O., Sasmaz H. Comparison of clinical echocardiographic and hemodynamic characteristics of male and female patients who underwent mitral balloon valvuloplasty. Angiology. 2001
  • Ileri, M., Yetkin, E., Hisar, I., Koşar, F., Korkmaz S. Increased levels of soluble adhesion molecules E-selectin, and P-selectin in patients with infective endocarditis and embolic events. European Heart Journal 2001; 22(10):874-8
  • Yetkin, E., Erbay, AR., Ileri, M., Turhan, H., Balcı,M., Cehreli, S., Demirkan, D. Levels of circulating adhesion molecules in rheumatic mitral stenosis. American Journal of Cardiolog 2001;88(10):1209-11
  • Hisar, I., Ileri, M., Yetkin, E., Tandogan, I., Cehreli, S., Atak, R., Senen, K., Demirkan, D. Aortic valve calcification: Its significance and limitation as a marker for coronary artery disease. Angiology ,53(2): 165-169 (2002)
  • Turhan H , Yetkin E, Senen K, Yilmaz MB, Ileri M, Atak R, Cehreli S, Kutuk E. Effects of percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty on P-wave dispersion in patients with mitral stenosis. American Journal of Cardiology. 2002; 89(5):607-9
  • Yetkin E, Senen K, Ileri M, Atak R, Tandogan I, Yetkin O, Kosar F, Turhan H, Cehreli S. Comparison of low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography and echocardiography during glucose-insulin-potassium infusion for detection of myocardial viability aft
  • Yetkin E, Yetkin G, Tandogan I, Kocabas NA, Ileri M, Ozdemir R, Kosar F., Turhan H, Cehreli S, Mert A. Detection of chlamydia pneumoniae deoxyribonucleic acid in blood samples taken from coronary sinus after coronary angioplasty. American Journal of
  • Maden O, Atak R, Yetkin E, Senen K, Aras D, Kutuk E. An unusual primary left ventricular hydatid cyst complicated by cardiac tamponade and mitral regurgitation: a case report. Angiology. 2002 Jul-Aug;53(4):487-91.
  • Yetkin E, Senen K, Ileri M, Atak R, Yetkin O, Tandogan I, Turhan H, Cehreli S. Identification of viable myocardium in patients with chronic coronary artery disease and myocardial dysfunction: Comparison of low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography
  • Turhan H, Duru E, Yetkin E, Atak R, Senen K. Right coronary artery originating from distal left circumflex: An extremely rare variety of single coronary artery. Int J Cardiol. 2003 Apr;88(2-3):309-11.
  • Atak R, Turhan H, Erbay AR, Yetkin E, Ileri M. Permanent Myocardial Dysfunction Caused by High-voltage Electrical Injury: A Case Report. Angiology. 2004 Jul-Aug;55(4):455-7.
  • Atak R, Yetkin E, Ayaz S, Ileri M, Senen K, Turhan H, Erbay AR, Cehreli S. Increased Systemic and Regional Coagulation Activity in Patients with Mitral Stenosis and Sinus Rhythm. Angiology. 2003 Sep-Oct;54(5):593-7.
  • Atak R, Turhan H, Senen K, Ileri M, Yetkin E, Ozbakir C, Demirkan D. Relationship Between Myocardial Viability And The Predischarge Electrocardiographic Pattern In Patients With First Anterior Wall Acute Myocardial Infarction Int J Cardiol. 2003 Oct;
  • Yetkin E, Turhan H, Atak R, Senen K, Cehrel S. Accesory mitral valve tissue manifesting cerebrovascular thromboembolic event in a 34 years old women. International Journal of Cardiology.2003;89(3):309-311
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E, Atak R, Altinok T, Senen K, Ileri M, Sasmaz H, Cehreli S, Kutuk E. Increased P-wave duration and P-wave dispersion in patients with aortic stenosis. Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiography 2003 ;8(1):18-21
  • Yetkin E, Erbay AR, Turhan H, Ileri M, Ayaz S, Atak R, Senen K, Cehreli S. Decreased Platelet Activation and Endothelial Dysfunction after Percutaneous Mitral Balloon Valvuloplasty. Int J of Cardiol 2003;91(2-3):221-225
  • Senen K, Yetkin E, Atak R, Turhan H, Sivri N, Battaloglu B, Tandogan I, Ileri M, Kosar F, Ozdemir R, Cehreli S. Increased Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction Frame Counts in patients with Isolated Coronary Artery Ectasia. Heart and Vessels 2003;19(
  • Turhan H, Yilmaz MB, Yetkin E, Atak R, Biyikoglu SF, Senen K, Cehreli S, Korkmaz S, Kutuk E. Diagnostic value of aVL derivation for right ventricular involvement in patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction. Ann Noninvas Electrocardiol, 200
  • Atak R, Ileri M, Yetkin E, Turhan H, Senen K, Sahin O, Ozbakır C, Demikan D. The role of valvular and thoracic aortic calcifications in distinction between ischemic and non ischemic cardiomyopathy. Angiology 2004;55(6):661-7.
  • Atak R, Turhan H, Yetkin O, Sezgin A, Yetkin E, Senen K, Ileri M, Demirkan D. Effects of slow coronary flow on QT interval dispersion. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol. 2003 Apr;8(2):107-11.
  • Ileri M, Alper A, Senen K, Durmaz T, Atak R, Hisar I, Yetkin E, Turhan H, Demirkan D. Effect of infective endocarditis on blood coagulation and platelet activation and comparison of patients with to those without embolic events. The American Journal
  • Sezgin AT, Sigirci A, Barutcu I, Topal E, Sezgin N, Ozdemir R, Yetkin E, Tandogan I, Kosar F, Ermis N, Yologlu S, Bariskaner E, Cehreli S.Vascular endothelial function in patients with slow coronary flow. Coron Artery Dis. 2003 Apr;14(2):155-61.
  • Yetkin G, Yetkin E, Aksoy Y Gurbuz OA, Mert A. Changes in Antibody Titers Against Chlamydia Pneumoniae After Coronary Angioplasty. International journal of Cardiology 2004 Jun 3;95(2):293-7.
  • Yetkin E, Erbay AR,Turhan H, Balci M, YetkinG, Ileri M, Senen K, Atak R, Cehreli S. Changes in plasma levels of adhesion molecules after percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty. Cardiovascular Pathology 2004 Mar-Apr;13(2):103-8.
  • Turhan H, Erbay AR, Yetkin E. Migraine headache induced atrial fibrillation: a case report. Acta Cardiol. 2004 Oct;59(5):569-70.
  • R Atak, M Ileri, K Senen, H Turhan, N Basar, E Yetkin, D Demirkan. Correlation between infarct related artery patency and predischarge electrocardiographic patterns in patients with first anterior myocardial infarction who received thrombolytic ther
  • H Turhan, E Yetkin, O Sahin, AS Yasar, K Senen, R Atak, H Sasmaz, S Cehreli. Comparison of P wave duration and dispersion of patients in aged >65 with those <45. J Electrocardiol. 2003 Oct;36(4):321-6
  • K Senen, M Ileri, A Alper, R Atak, I Hisar, E Yetkin, H Turhan, D Demirkan. Increased levels of soluble adhesion molecules E selectin and P-selectin in patients with cardiac syndrome X. Angiology. 2005 May-Jun;56(3):273-7.
  • Erbay AR, Turhan H, Senen K, Yetkin F, Ayaz S, Kara F, Yetkin E. Predictors of left ventricular thrombus formation in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy: Role of Activated Protein C Resistance. Coronary Artery Disease. 2004 Mar;15(2):107-10.
  • Senen K, Turhan H, Erbay AR, Basar N, Sahin O, Yetkin E. P-wave duration and P-wave dispersion in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. European Journal of Heart Failure 2004 Aug;6(5):567-9.
  • Erbay AR, Turhan H, Aksoy Y, senen K, Yetkin E. Activation of coagulation system in dilated cardiomyopathy: comparison of patients with and without left ventricular thrombus. Coron Artery Dis. 2004 Aug;15(5):265-8.
  • Turhan H, Atak R, Erbay AR, Senen K, Yetkin E. Double left anterior descending coronary artery arising from the left and right coronary arteries: a rare congenital coronary artery anomaly. Heart Vessels. 2004 Jul;19(4):196-8.
  • Erbay AR, Turhan H, Senen K, Yetkin O, Sezgin AT, Yetkin E, Atak R, Ileri M, Cehreli S. Documentation of Slow Coronary Flow By The Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction Frame Count in Habitual Smokers With Angiographically Normal Coronary Arteries.
  • Erbay AR, Turhan H, Yasar AS, Bicer A, Senen K, Sasmaz H, Sabah E, Yetkin E. Effects of long-term beta-blocker therapy on P-wave duration and dispersion in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis. Int J Cardiol. 2005 Jun 22;102(1):33-7.
  • Turhan H, Erbay AR, Yasar AS, Bicer A, Sasmaz H, Yetkin E. Impaired coronary blood flow in patients with metabolic syndrome: Documented with thrombolysis in myocardial infarction frame count method. Am Heart J. 2004 Nov;148(5):789-94.
  • Erbay AR, Turhan H, Yasar AS, Ayaz S, Sahin O, Senen K, Sasmaz H, Yetkin E. Elevated level of plasma homocysteine in patients with slow coronary flow. Int J Cardiol. 2005 Jul 20;102(3):419-23.
  • Turhan H, Ocal A, Erbay AR, Yasar AS, Cicekcioglu F, Yetkin E. Free-floating left atrial ball thrombus developed in an 11-year-old child with restrictive cardiomyopathy during sinus rhythm: manifested as a major thromboembolic event. Int J Cardiol. 2
  • Turhan H, Erbay AR, Yasar AS, Balci M, Bicer A, Yetkin E. Comparison of plasma high sensitive C-reactive protein levels in patients with coronary artery ectasia--vs—patients with obstructive coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol. 2004 Nov 15;94(10):1
  • Aras D , Maden O , Ozdemir O , Aras S , Topaloglu S, Yetkin E , Demir AD , Soylu MO, Erdogan MF , Lütfi H, and Korkmaz S. Simple electrocardiographic markers for the prediction of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in hyperthyroidism.  Int J Cardiol. 200
  • Turhan H, Erbay AR, Yasar AS, Aksoy Y, Bicer A, Yetkin G, Yetkin E. Plasma soluble adhesion molecules; intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and E-selectin levels in patients with isolated coronary artery ectasia. Coron
  • Turhan H, Yasar AS, Basar N, Bicer A, Erbay AR, Yetkin E. High prevalence of metabolic syndrome among young women with premature coronary artery disease. Coron Artery Dis. 2005 Feb;16(1):37-40.
  • Yasar AS, Turhan H, Erbay AR, Karabal O, Bicer A, Sasmaz H, Yetkin E. Assessment of coronary blood flow in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using thrombolysis in myocardial infarction frame count method. J Invasive Cardiol. 2005 Feb;17(2):73-6.
  • Yetkin E, Yetkin G, Ozerol, Ergin H, Aksoy Y, Sincer I, Akturk A, Beytur A, Sivri N and Turhan H. Increased prevalence of varicocele in patients with coronary artery ectasia. Coron Artery Dis. 2005 Aug;16(5):261-4.
  • Yetkin E, Turhan H, Erbay AR, Aksoy Y, Senen K. Increased Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction Frame Count in Patients with Myocardial Infarction and Normal Coronary Arteriogram: a Possible Link Between Slow Coronary Flow and Myocardial Infarction.
  • Yetkin E, Yetkin G, Turhan H. Aneurismal disease of different vascular territories: Is it a rare association? Int J Cardiol. 2005 Oct 20;105(1):100-1.
  • Yetkin E, Turhan H. Recurrence of cerebrovascular thromboembolic event in a woman with accessory mitral valve during puerperium period. Int J Cardiol. 2005 Oct 20;105(1):102-3.
  • Tandogan I, Temizhan A, Yetkin E, Guray Y, Ileri M, Duru E, Sasmaz A. The effects of mobile phones on pacemaker function. Int J Cardiol. 2005 Aug 3;103(1):51-8.
  • Turhan H, Saydam GS, Erbay AR, Ayaz S, Yasar AS, Aksoy Y, Basar N, Yetkin E. Increased plasma soluble adhesion molecules; ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and E-selectin levels in patients with slow coronary flow. Int J Cardiol. 2006 Apr 4;108(2):224-30.
  • Aksoy Y, Yagmur C, Tekin GO, Yagmur J, Topal E, Kekilli E, Turhan H, Kosar F, Yetkin E. Aortic valve calcification: association with bone mineral density and cardiovascular risk factors. Coron Artery Dis. 2005 Sep;16(6):379-83
  • Turhan H, Yasar AS, Erbay AR, Yetkin E, Sasmaz H, Sabah I. Impaired coronary collateral vessel development in patients with metabolic syndrome. Coron Artery Dis. 2005 Aug;16(5):281-5.
  • Turhan H, Erbay AR, Yasar AS, Bicer A, Sahin O, Basar N, Yetkin E. Plasma homocysteine levels in patients with isolated coronary artery ectasia. Int J Cardiol. 2005 Sep 30;104(2):158-62.
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E, Kose S, Isik E. Does gender modify the detrimental coronary effects of metabolic syndrome? Int J Cardiol. 2006 Jun 16;110(2):261-2.
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E. Poor in-hospital outcome in young women with acute myocardial infarction. Does metabolic syndrome play a role? Int J Cardiol. 2006 Sep 20;112(2):257-8.
  • Tandogan I, Ozin B, Bozbas H, Turhan S, Ozdemir R, Yetkin E, Topal E. Effects of mobile telephones on the function of implantable cardioverter defibrillators. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol. 2005 Oct;10(4):409-13.
  • Yetkin E, Aksoy Y, Turhan H. Coronary vasospasm due to hypercholinergic crisis: an example of normal coronary arteriogram and myocardial infarction. Int J Cardiol. 2006 Nov 10;113(2):270-1.
  • Yetkin E, Acikgoz N, Aksoy Y, Bariskaner E, Sivri N, Akturk E, Turhan H, Kosar F, Cehreli S. Decreased carotid intima-media thickness in patients with coronary artery ectasia compared with patients with coronary artery disease. Coron Artery Dis. 2005
  • Turhan H, Aksoy Y, Yetkin E. Homocysteine and coronary microcirculation: is it a microvasculopathic agent? Int J Cardiol. 2006 Jun 16;110(2):269-70.
  • Turhan H, Aksoy Y, Yetkin E. Impact of high altitude on flow-mediated dilatation: is it more pronounced in metabolic syndrome? Int J Cardiol. 2006 Aug 28;111(3):472-3
  • Yetkin E, Aksoy Y, Yetkin O, Turhan H. Beneficial effect of deep breathing on premature ventricular complexes: can it be related to the decrease in QT dispersion? Int J Cardiol. 2006 Nov 18;113(3):417-8.
  • Turhan H, Kose S, Celik T, Aksoy Y, Yetkin E. Atrial fibrillation recurrence after cardioversion: is there a simple electrocardiographic parameter to predict it? Int J Cardiol. 2006 Nov 18;113(3):435-6.
  • Turhan H, Aksoy Y, Ozgun Tekin G, Yetkin E. Cocaine-induced acute myocardial infarction in young individuals with otherwise normal coronary risk profile: is coronary microvascular dysfunction one of the underlying mechanisms? Int J Cardiol. 2007 Jan
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E. Obesity-related increased perioperative morbidity in CABG patients: does metabolic syndrome affect the perioperative outcomes? Int J Cardiol. 2006 Jun 16;110(2):273-4.
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E. Is it necessary to add fibrate to statin therapy in the management of dyslipidemia of metabolic syndrome? Int J Cardiol. 2006 Jun 16;110(2):276-7.
  • Yetkin E, Ozisik H, Ozcan C, Aksoy Y, Turhan H. Decreased endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in patients with migraine: a new aspect to vascular pathophysiology of migraine. Coron Artery Dis. 2006 Feb;17(1):29-33.
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E. What is the best choice for combination therapy in the management of dyslipidemia of metabolic syndrome?Cardiology. 2006;105(3):139-40
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E. Does metabolic syndrome attenuate the advantages of being a young woman regarding the risk of cardiovascular disease. Int J Cardiol. 2007 Jan 8;114(2):277-8.
  • Aksoy Y, Acikgoz N, Sivri N, Bariskaner E, Akturk E, Turhan H, Yetkin E. Decreased nitrate-mediated dilatation in patients with coronary artery ectasia: an ultrasonographic evaluation of brachial artery. Coron Artery Dis. 2006 May;17(4):365-9.
  • Yetkin E, Aksoy Y, Turhan H. Decreased plasma extracellular superoxide dismutase level in patients with vasospastic angina: Can it be extrapolated to the slow coronary flow phenomenon? Atherosclerosis. 2006 Jun 10; [Epub ahead of print]
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E. The relation between insulin resistance and slow coronary flow: the development of microvascular dysfunction in insulin resistant state may be a plausible explanation. Int J Cardiol. 2006 Aug 28;111(3):474-5.
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E. What are the impacts of chronic subclinic inflammation in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis? Int J Cardiol. 2007 Apr 12;117(1):140.
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E. What is the plausible strategy for the management of patients with isolated coronary artery ectasia and myocardial ischemia?Int J Cardiol. 2007;117:285-6.
  • Turhan H, Yagmur J, Uckan A, Yetkin E. Dynamic left ventricular outflow track obstruction in a patient with end-stage renal failure on haemodialysis: Excessive volume extraction and sympathetic activation may be the possible causes. Int J Cardiol. 20
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E. Coronary artery ectasia: Is it a destructive inflammatory lesion of the vascular wall? Int J Cardiol. 2007;118:241.
  • Turhan H, Aksoy Y, Yetkin E, Kosar F. The impact of inflammation on the development, successful cardioversion, recurrence and/or perpetuation of atrial fibrillation. Int J Cardiol. 2007;118:256-7.
  • Turhan H, Aksoy Y, Yetkin E, Kosar F. Ventricular remodeling following acute myocardial infarction: The role of altered collagen homeostasis. Int J Cardiol. 2007;119:124-5.
  • Turhan H, Aksoy Y, Yetkin E, Kosar F. An undesirable cardiac impact of vigorous sport practice: Lone atrial fibrillation. Int J Cardiol. 2007;118:412-3.
  • Yetkin E, Tekin GO, Yagmur J, Turhan H. Effects of smoking on myocardial infarction at early ages. Int J Cardiol. 2007;120:134-5.
  • Kosar F, Aksoy Y, Ozguntekin G, Yetkin E, Gunen H. C-reactive protein and aortic stiffness in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Echocardiography. 2007 Jan;24(1):1-8.
  • Yetkin E, Yagmur C, Yagmur J, Tekin GO, Kekilli E, Uckan A, Aksoy Y, Turhan H. Evaluation of cardiovascular risk factors and bone mineral density in patients undergoing coronary angiography and relation of findings to mitral annular calcium. Am J Car
  • Kilic S, Aksoy Y, Sincer I, Oguz F, Erdil N, Yetkin E. Cardiovascular evaluation of young patients with varicocele. Fertil Steril. 2007 ;88:369-73.
  • Yetkin E, Ozisik H, Ozcan C, Aksoy Y, Turhan H. Increased dilator response to nitrate and decreased flow-mediated dilatation in migraineurs. Headache. 2007 Jan;47(1):104-10.
  • Yetkin E, Turhan H. Is it worthwhile to test statin in migraine? Headache. 2007 Mar;47(3):448-50.
  • Turhan H, Erdil N, Yetkin E. Changes in Bone Mineral Composition at the Arm after Coronary Artery By-pass Grafting Surgery. Am J Cardiol 2007 100(3):559.
  • Yetkin E, Turhan H, Tandogan I. Left Bundle Branch Block: A Diagnostic Challenge in Cardiology. Am J Cardiol 2007 99(8):1179-80.
  • Yetkin E, Acikgoz N, Sivri N, Tekin GO, Yagmur, J Uckan A, Aksoy Y, Basriskaner E, Turhan H. Increased Plasma Levels of Cystatin C and Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1 in Patients with Coronary Artery Ectasia: can there be a potential interaction be
  • Yetkin E, Waltenberger J. Novel Insights into an Old Controversy: Is Coronary Artery Ectasia a Variant of Coronary Atherosclerosis? Clin Res in Cardiol 2007 96(6):331-9.
  • Yologlu S, Sezgin AT, Sezgin N, Yetkin E, Olmez E.Comparison of different regression analyses for identifying risk factors in obese and nonobese patients with coronary artery disease.Angiology. 2007 Oct-Nov;58(5):543-9
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E. Increased P-wave dispersion in patients with Behçet's disease: is there an exaggeration in explaining the meaning?Int J Cardiol. 2008;129(2):302-
  • Tekin GO, Kekilli E, Yagmur J, Uckan A, Yagmur C, Aksoy Y, Turhan H, Yetkin E.Evaluation of cardiovascular risk factors and bone mineral density in post menopausal women undergoing coronary angiography.Int J Cardiol. 2008 Jan 26
  • Turhan H, Yasar AS, Yagmur J, Kurtoglu E, Yetkin E. The impact of metabolic syndrome on left ventricular function: Evaluated by using the index of myocardial performance. Int J Cardiol. 2008
  • Turhan H, Yetkin E. A potential source of cardioembolic cerebrovascular event: Accessory mitral valve tissue. Int J Cardiol. 2008 Feb
  • Yetkin E, Turhan H, Senen K.Bone mineral density and frequency of coronary heart disease. Am J Cardiol. 2008 Jun 1;101:1680.
  • Aslan H, Turgut O, Yalta K, Yilmaz MB, Ozdemir R, Ermis N, Sezgin AT, Yetkin E, Tandogan I, Yilmaz A.Coronary collateral circulation: any effect on P-wave dispersion?Angiology. 2008 Aug-Sep;59(4):448-53.
  • Yetkin E. Mean platelet volume not so far from being a routine diagnostic and prognostic measurement. Thromb Haemost. 2008 Jul;100(1):3-4.
  • Yetkin E, Waltenberger J. Cathepsin Enzymes and Cystatin C: Do They Play a Role in Positive Arterial Remodeling? Stroke 2009;
  • Yetkin E, Waltenberger J. Novel Evidences for Systemic Involvement in Dilating Vascular Diseases. Journal of Urology 2009;
  • Yetkin E, Waltenberger J. Molecular and Cellular Mechanism of Aortic Stenosis. International Journal of Cardiology 2009;
  • Yetkin E, Topal E, Yanik A, Ozten M. Thromboembolic Complications in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Dilated Cardiomyopathy Immediately After Initiation of Congestive Heart Failure Treatment : Just a Coincidence or Should We Pay More Attention? Clin A
  • Yetkin E, Heper G, Senen K. Mean platelet volume: Controversies in coronary artery disease and acute coronary syndrome. Atherosclerosis. 2009 Sep 23. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.
  • Yetkin E, Senen K, Heper G. Valvular calcification and atherosclerosis. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2009;16(6):910; author reply 911. Epub 2010 Jan 9. No abstract available.
  • Senen K, Topal E, Kilinc E, ten Cate H, Tek I, Karakoc Y, Yetkin E. Plasma viscosity and mean platelet volume in patients undergoing coronary angiography. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2010 Jan 1;44(1):35-41.
  • Heper G, Yetkin E, Senen K. Absence of posterior mitral leaflet with secundum atrial septal defect. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010 Dec;90(6):2055-7.
  • Yatla K, Yatla T, Sivri N, Aksoy Y, Yetkin E. Chronotropic incompetence: an obscure cause of heart failure symptoms in survivor of critical disease. Int J cardiol 2011; 147:171-172.
  • Yatla K, Yatla T, Sivri N, Aksoy Y, Yetkin E. Bone minerla density: a potential determinant of atherosclerotic plaque morphology in established coronary artery disease. Int J Cardiol 2011; 147:448.
  • Yatla K, Yatla T, Sivri N, Aksoy Y, Yetkin E. Copeptin (C-terminal provasopresin): a promising marker of arrhytmogenesis in arrhythmia prone subjects. Int J Cardiol 2011;148:105.
  • Yatla K, Sivri N, Yetkin E. Acute coronary syndrome in the setting of acute infection: is there an overdiagnosis with over treatment. Int J Cardiol 2011149:383.
  • Yetkin E. Increased risk of stroke after diagnosis of heart failure: is it a paradox of initiating of heart failure treatment. Eur J Epidemiol 2011; 429-430.
  • Sivri N, Tekin GO, Yatla K, Yetkin E. Myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries: Role of endothelial function and vasomotion. Atherosclerosis 2011.
  • Yatla K, Sivri N, Yetkin E. Sahaja Yoga: A unique adjunctive approach for the management of cardiac arrhythmias? Int J Cardiol 2011.
  • Yalta K, Sivri N, Geyik B, Aksoy Y, Yetkin E. Sudden cardiac death due to β2-agonist therapy: is a genetic basis overlooked? Cardiovasc J Afr. 2012 Mar;23(2):97-102
  • Tekin G, Sivri N, Tekin YK, Topal E, Erbay AR, Yetkin E. Mean Platelet Volume in Patients With Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Does it Have a Role on Left Ventricular Thrombus Formation? Angiology 2012
  • Yalta K, Sivri N, Yalta T, Yetkin E. Int J Cardiol 2012. Serum ferritin: a potential determinant of myocardial ischemic burden in the setting of ischemic conditions?
  • Erguzel N, Yetkin E, Erdem G, Erdil N, Yetkin G, Heper G, Celik T, Senen K. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 levels in patients with primary varicose vein. Int Angiol. 2012 Apr;31(2):176-80.
  • Tekin G, Tekin YK, Sivri N, Yetkin E. Response to Letter: Mean Platelet Volume in Patients With Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Left Ventricular Thrombus. Angiology 2012.
  • Sivri N, Tekin G, Erbay AR, Yalta K, Senen K, Gür M, Yetkin E. Headache response to nitrate in patients with coronary artery disease and systolic heart failure.Int J Cardiol. 2012
  • Tekin G, Tekin YK, Erbay AR, Turhan H, Yetkin E. Serum Uric Acid Levels are Associated With Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Ischemic Heart Failure.Angiology. 2012 May 30.
  • Yalta K, Yalta T, Sivri N, Yetkin E. Copeptin and cardiovascular disease: a review of a novel neurohormone. Int J Cardiol. 2013 Sep 1;167(5):1750-9
  • Tekin G, Tekin YK, Sivri N, Yetkin E. Mean platelet volume in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2013 Jul;24(5):537-9.
  • Sivri N, Yetkin E, Tekin GO, Yalta K, Waltenberger J. Anticoagulation in Patients With Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction and Sinus Rhythm: When? Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2013 Apr 23.
  • Yetkin G, Sivri N, Yalta K, Yetkin E. Golden Ratio is beating in our heart. Int J Cardiol. 2013 Oct 12;168(5):4926-7.
  • Yalta K, Geyık B, Sıvrı N, Yetkin E.  Meteorologic factors may trigger arrhythmogenesis through induction of systemic inflammation and coagulation response: Potential antiarrhythmic benefits of mitigating this response in arrhythmia-prone subjects u
  • Yalta K, Sivri N, Geyik B, Yetkin E. Tumour necrosis factor-α antagonism: a potential therapeutic target for prevention of arrhythmogenesis in the setting of acute myocardial infarction? Heart. 2013 Sep 4. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2013-304338.
  • Tziakas D, Chalikias G, Stakos D, Altun A, Sivri N, Yetkin E, Gur M, Stankovic G, Mehmedbegovic Z, Voudris V, Chatzikyriakou S, Garcia-Moll X, Serra A, Passadakis P, Thodis E, Vargemezis V, Kaski JC, Konstantinides SValidation of a new risk score to
  • Sivri N, Tekin G, Yalta K, Aksoy Y, Senen K, Yetkin E. Statins decrease mean platelet volume irrespective of cholesterol lowering effect. Kardiol Pol. 2013;71(10):1042-7. doi: 10.5603/KP.2013.0259.
  • Aksoy Y, Sivri N, Karaoz B, Sayin C, Yetkin E. Carotid intima-media thickness: a new marker of patients with uterine leiomyoma.. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2014 Apr;175:54-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2014.01.005. Epub 2014 Jan 10.
  • Yetkin E, Tchaikovski V, Erdil N, Alan S, Waltenberger J. Increased expression of cystatin C and transforming growth factor β-1 in calcific aortic valves. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Oct 20;176(3):1252-4.
  • Yetkin E, Topbaş U, Yanik A, Yetkin G. Does systolic and diastolic blood pressure follow Golden Ratio? Int J Cardiol. 2014 Oct 20;176(3):1457-9.
  • Yalvac D, Ozturk S, Sivri N, Kılıç Y, Bulut E, Celik A, Barlas Y, Tengiz İ, Yetkin E. Effects of patients anxiety and depression scores on coronary flow in patients with normal coronary arteries.Int J Cardiol. 2015 Feb 1;180:55-7.
  • Yetkin E Hemorrhoid, internal iliac vein reflux and peripheral varicose vein: Affecting each other or affected vessels? Phlebology. 2015 Mar;30(2):145.
  • Yetkin E, Kaleagzi FC. Recovery of absence seizure-like symptoms in a patient after slow pathway radiofrequency ablation. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Mar 1;182:44-5.
  • Yetkin E. Documented but non-induced supraventricular tachycardia and vice versa. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Mar 1;182:438-9.
  • Yetkin E, Topal E, Erguzel N, Senen K, Heper G, Waltenberger J. Diabetes mellitus and female gender are the strongest predictors of poor collateral vessel development in patients with severe coronary artery stenosis. Angiogenesis. 2015 Apr;18(2):201
  • Yetkin E. Complexity of venous symptoms. Phlebology. 2016 Mar;31(2):147
  • Yetkin E. An extremely rare presentation of supraventricular tachycardia: Burping. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Apr 1;184:369-70.
  • Ozturk S, Yalvac HD, Sivri N, Ozturk HM, Kılıc Y, Bulut E, Celik A, Barlas Y, Tengiz I, Yetkin E. Anxiety and depression scores in patients with coronary artery disease and coronary artery ectasia. Int J Cardiol. 2015;186:299-301.
  • Yetkin E, Çelik T, Arpaci M, Ileri M. Left ventricular diameters as a reflection of "extreme and mean ratio". Int J Cardiol. 2015 Nov 1;198:85-6.
  • Yetkin E, Tandogan I. Tinnitus preceding tachycardia and syncope. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Nov 1;198:93-4.
  • Ileri M, Güray Ü, Yetkin E, Gürsoy HT, Bayır PT, Şahin D, Elalmış ÖU, Büyükaşık Y. A new risk scoring model for prediction of poor coronary collateral circulation in acute non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Cardiol J. 2016;23(1):107-13
  • Yetkin E. A new or overlooked finding of varicose veins: Ecchymosis. Vasc Med. 2016 Feb;21(1):75-6.
  • Yetkin E. Re: 'Association of Venous Disorders with Leg Symptoms: Results from the Bonn Vein Study 1'. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2015 Dec;50(6):828.
  • tkin E, Tandogan I. Non-documented but induced supraventricular tachycardia: a new challenge or a new light? Europace. 2016 Feb;18(2):315
  • Yetkin E. Varicose vein or nonvaricose vein: that is the question. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2016 Jun;51(6):883. doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2016.02.024.
  • Yalta K, Ozturk S, Yetkin E. Golden Ratio and the Heart: Review of Divine Aesthetics. Int J Cardiol 2016; 214; 107-112.
  • Yetkin E. Symptoms in Supraventricular Tachycardia: is it symply manifestation of increased heart rate? Med Hypotheses. 2016 Jun;91:42-43. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2016.04.014
  • Yetkin E, Ileri M. Dilating Venous Disease: Pathophysiology and a systematic aspect to different vascular territories. Med Hypotheses. 2016 Jun;91:73-76. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2016.04.016.
  • Ozturk S, Yetkin E.  Identfying symptoms in chronic venous diseases. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2016 Aug;203:331. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2016.04.011.
  • Ozturk S, Yetkin E. SCN1A Mutation or Cross-talk? The connection between the heart and brain. J Pedia Neurol May 2016
  • Ozturk S, Turhan H, Yetkin E. Asthma-like attacks terminated by slow pathway ablation. Ann Thorac Med. 2017 Apr-Jun;12(2):127-128
  • Ozturk S, Yetkin E. Premature Ventricular Complex Causing Ice-Pick Headache. Case Rep Cardiol. 2017;2017:3879127.
  • Yetkin E, Ozturk S.Coronary Artery Aneurysm and Coronary Artery Ectasia: What Makes the Difference? Angiology. 2016 Oct 26. pii: 0003319716675795
  • Yetkin E, Ozturk S.Dilating Venous Diseases: Varicocele and Varicose Vein. Ann Vasc Surg. 2017 Jan;38:348
  • Yetkin E, Atalay H, Ileri M. Atrial septal aneurysm: Prevalence and covariates in adults. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Nov 15;223:656-659.
  • Ozturk S, Yetkin E. An innocent etiology of chronic cough: premature atrial contractions. Int J Cardiovasc Res. 2016;5:6
  • Ozturk S, Yalta K, Yetkin E.Golden ratio: A subtle regulator in our body and cardiovascular system?Int J Cardiol. 2016 Nov 15;223:143-145.
  • Yetkin E, Ozturk S, Ileri M. Varicose Vein and Ecchymosis. International Archives of Medicine. 2017; 10(238):1-2.
  • Yalta K, Yetkin E. Late-onset dynamic outflow tract gradient in the setting of tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy: An interesting phenomenon with potential implications? Indian Heart J. 2017 May - Jun;69(3):328-330. doi: 10.1016/j.ihj.2016.12.004.
  • Ozturk S, Yetkin E. Increased inflammatory status in chronic venous insufficiency patients. Phlebology. 2017 Jan 1:268355517714354. doi: 10.1177/0268355517714354.
  • Yetkin E, Ileri M, Waltenberger J. Ecchymosis: A Novel Sign in Patients with Varicose Veins. Clin Hem and Mic. 2018
  • Ozturk S, Yetkin E. Pelvic venous reflux in male: varicocele? Phlebology. 2017 Jan 1:268355517747643. doi: 10.1177/0268355517747643.
  • Yetkin E. Diagnostic Challenges in Supraventricular Tachycardia: Anticipating Value of Natriuretic Peptides. Cardiovascular Endocrinology 2018.
  • Erbay AR, Ede H, Zengin K, Erkoc MF, Tanık S, Albayrak S, Yetkin E. Association of Prostatic Volume and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Urology. 2017 Dec 27. pii: S0090-4295(17)31309-2.
  • Ozturk HM, Ozturk S, Yetkin E. Linkage between cardiovascular diseases and major depression: Contribution of platelet cells.Psychiatry Res. 2017 Dec 2. pii: S0165-1781(17)31958-3
  • Ozturk S, Yetkin E, Waltenberger J. Molecular and cellular insight into the pathogenesis of coronary artery ectasia. Cardiovasc Pathol. 2018 Jul - Aug;35:37-47. doi: 10.1016/j.carpath.2018.04.005.
  • Ozturk S, Akbaba TK, Kilic S, Cicek T, Peskircioglu L, Tandogan I, Gurlek A, Aydemir O, Ileri M, Yetkin E. Venous leg symptoms in patients with varicocele: A multicenter assessment study (VEIN-TURKEY study). Phlebology. 2018 Jan 1:268355518777110. d
  • Ozturk S, Yetkin E. Regarding "Correlation between pelvic congestion syndrome and body mass index". J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. 2019 Jan;7(1):149
  • Yetkin GI, Yucel AA, Tekin İÖ, Yılmaz M, Atalay H, Yetkin E. Dendritic cell activation is blunted in patients with coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Complications. 2019 Feb;33(2):134-139
  • Yetkin E, Öztürk S. Endothelium-dependent and -independent functions in migraineurs. J Med Ultrason (2001). 2018 Oct 22. doi: 10.1007/s10396-018-0909-7
  • Yetkin E, Ozturk S, Yetkin GI. Inflammation in Coronary Artery Ectasia Compared to Atherosclerosis. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Sep 29;19(10). pii: E2971. doi: 10.3390/ijms19102971
  • Yetkin E, Ozturk S. Dilating Vascular Diseases: Pathophysiology and Clinical Aspects. Int J Vasc Med. 2018 Aug 26;2018:9024278. doi: 10.1155/2018/9024278.
  • Yetkin E, Ozturk S.Cardiac Complications in Behçet's Disease. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2018 Oct;44(10):2165-2166. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2018.03.032
  • Ozturk S, Cuglan B, Turhan H, Yetkin E. Venous failure and beyond. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2019. Doi:10.1111/jocd.12880.
  • Atak R, Ileri M, Ozturk S, Korkmaz A. Yetkin E. Echocardiographic Findings in Patients with Atrial Septal Aneurysm: A Prospective Case-Control Study. Cardiol Res Pract 2019
  • Yetkin E, Cuglan B, Turhan H, Ozturk S. Does Golden Ratio Reside in Pulmonary Circulation? Chest; 2019
  • Yetkin E, Ileri M, Korkmaz A, Ozturk S. Association between atrial septal aneurysm and arrhythmia. Scan Cardiovasc J. 2019.
  • Cuglan B, Turhan H, Yetkin E. Characteristics of Intracranial Aneurysms According to Levels of Coronary Artery Calcium . Stroke; 2019.
  • Yetkin E, Cuglan B, Ozturk S, Turhan H, Yetkin O. Age Dependent Increase in Pulmonary Embolism: Ignored Identity Atrial Fibrillation. Chest 2019


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